- ročník: 2024
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The article presents more than ten years of experience in testing the abilities of pilots during flight control on flight simulators. A hypothesis is stated about the possibilities of finding common features in flight control, the basic mathematical apparatus for evaluation is presented, the flight simulators used and, of course, the achieved results are presented. 110 pilots have already been tested and a total of 2360 missions - test flights - have been simulated. Subsequent mathematical analysis provided approximately 40,000 results suitable for further statistical processing. This amount of data obtained from realistically simulated flights provides a prerequisite for defining applicable conclusions to the proposed mortgages. For the needs of subsequent certification, a proposal for the pile measurement methodology was also prepared, which summarizes both the theoretical approach to pile testing and the procedure for carrying out tests on individual simulators. Part of the proposed methodology includes an overview of the software created to facilitate the recording of data from individual missions, as well as software for own analysis of the measured data from the missions.
- ročník: 2023
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The war game is a respected tool for commanders' decision-making. Its preparation, execution, and evaluation of results require precise organization and a considerable time commitment. However, the time aspect is a limiting factor in the current dynamic era to a rather objectified evaluation of the variants of operation execution. The article does not describe the process of wargame preparation, it focuses on the execution phase, where it presents the use of a particular simulation system in wargames and under which theoretical conditions the results of combat simulation can be considered valid. It also evaluates the time efficiency of its use in a wargame. It has been experimentally verified that the tested simulation system can be used for a wargame especially in the accelerated simulation mode. The configuration of the computing system was also verified, which allowed a substantial acceleration of the simulation run of the wargame scenario.
Read more: A War Gaming in the Context of a Computer Simulation of Combat
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The career education of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) personnel is a key component to meet requirements for qualifications. As these requirements are career growth conditions for career personnel, they are inherently connected with further promotion in rank. During the process of preparation of the career courses it was revealed that some system changes should be made due to implemented or planned changes within the legislative and source framework of the Ministry of Defence. This article describes the implementation process of a new policy for training personnel in the career courses. It was prepared by a project team headed by the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies at the Defence University. Furthermore, the article deals with the clarification of the approach to the development of educational documentation and the chosen form of organization and conduction of military career courses. Also, a quality control system and a collection of information needed for upgrading of the senior officers career education curricula are described.
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
Kariérové vzdělávání personálu rezortu obrany je rozhodující složkou vzdělávání ke splnění kvalifikačních požadavků. Pro vojáky z povolání je naplňování kvalifikačních požadavků podmínkou kariérového růstu a s tím spojeného jmenování do vyšší hodnosti. Při přípravě kariérových kurzů se ukázalo, že je třeba vzhledem k uskutečněným nebo plánovaným změnám legislativního a zdrojového rámce v rezortu obrany provést některé systémové změny. V tomto článku je popsán postup implementace nového konceptu přípravy personálu rezortu obrany v kariérových kurzech, který byl zpracován projektovým týmem pod vedením pracovníků Centra bezpečnostních a vojenskostrategických studií Univerzity obrany. Dále se článek zabývá objasněním přístupu k tvorbě učební dokumentace a zvoleného způsobu organizace a průběhu vojenských kariérových kurzů. Popsán je také systém kontroly kvality a získávání informací k inovaci nastaveného systému kariérové přípravy vyšších důstojníků.
Read more: Vojenské kariérové kurzy pro přípravu vyšších důstojníků (2)
- ročník: 2019
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article is focused on assessment of the model of competency to lead others for graduates of the Faculty of Military Leadership of the University of Defence. This competency to handle the initial demands of a command post, to which graduates of the Faculty of Military Leadership may be enrolled immediately after their studies. The main aim of the research was to define, structure and evaluate the model of competency to lead others for the graduates of the Faculty of Military Leadership based on the experiences of the commanders which serves in the Army of the Czech Republic. Questionnaire survey of own construction for two groups of respondents (young commanders and their closest superiors) was used to obtain the data. Those data were evaluated by parametric and nonparametric statistical analysis. The results of the analysis showed that abilities defined in the model of competency are used in daily military life by addressed commanders.