- ročník: 2022
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The paper is focused on the issue how to develop and strengthen the competencies of military leaders essential for management of the Lessons Learned process in the Czech Armed Forces. The analysis shows that the issue of lessons learned is sufficiently addressed in relevant military documents which provides a foundation for definition of relevant competencies. Questionnaire survey proves that most respondents apply identified competencies related primarily to analysis phase and the verification of lessons identified. The article further presents a study curriculum proposal that can be used as a comprehensive framework for study programs within career education currently provided by the Center for Security and Military Strategic Studies of the University of Defence and the Training Command - Military Academy.
Read more: Career Education Of Military Leaders in the Area of the Lessons Learned
- ročník: 2020
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the process of identification of competencies for commanders in leading units in military operations. The used methodology based on combined approach founded on selected competency rosters and its further modification seemed to be relevant and applicable in the Czech Armed Forces conditions. Military officer’s profiles anchored in the EU Commission Database for Armed Forces and in the EU Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Military Officer Profession have been proven as the most relevant frameworks of competencies. Both are formulated and structured to be as generic as possible for all officers regardless of their specialization. They were established on current theories and incorporate extensive amount of entries from various national sources. The resulting list of 24 generic competencies, selected from a total of 69 competencies analyzed, represents a possible example of a set of requirements imposed on the Czech Armed Forces officers.
- ročník: 2023
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The article describes attributes will influence character of modern warfighting and presents the basic approach to prepare commanders and leaders of “new generation”. The operational environment describes determinants and characteristic of today's and future warfighting. Technological development as booster, change the tools and the procedures but not the nature of war. Level of training and leadership quality multiplies combat power. The key findings and recommendations support fundamental idea of ability to lead and manage hybrid systems in volatile multi-dimensional environment, using various tools and sources, appropriate to specific environment and specific tactical level mission, stressed in last chapter as result of this study. The article´s aim is support discussion, which directions we will adapt currently ongoing or newly creating study programs, preparing new generation of warriors – leaders.
Read more: Modern Battlefield and Necessary Reflection in Military Leader’s Education and Training
- ročník: 2012
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
Cílem článku je přispět k diskuzi o potřebnosti simulačních prostředků ve vzdělávání vojenských studentů logistických odborností se zaměřením na vojenskou logistiku. Rozhodovací proces je zde chápán jako celek na sebe navazujících aktivit. Profesionální armáda je založena na standardních aliančních postupech a předpokládá synergické doplňování vzdělávání a výcviku, jež by mělo vyústit v automatizovaný výkon jednotlivých složek. Použité materiály jsou závěry šetření provedeného na Univerzitě obrany. Navrhovaný proces přípravy střeleb mechanizovaného praporu (mpr) je součástí projektového řešení v oblasti využití simulací při výuce logistických odborností v AČR.
Read more: Možnosti využití simulací ve vzdělávání logistických odborností (2)
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The primary mission of commanders and staffs is a skillful realization of all measures related to preparation, planning, conduct and control of military operations. Ability to implement these measures originates from their professional knowledge of the theory of operational art and capability to execute it in practice. Based on a feedback from the courses participants, the authors of the article propose a set of measures which may contribute not only to improvement of the level of knowledge, skills and competences of military personal, but also to increase interest in the overall development of operational art in the Czech Armed Forces.