- ročník: 2021
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Increasing pressure on the quality of the educational content brings the need to address the issue of hidden mechanisms in the educational process that have impacts on the quality of knowledge and skills. This article discusses the existence of the hidden curriculum in lifelong learning and puts it into the context of the lifelong Professional Military Education as it is provided at the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies at the University of Defence. The uncovering of the hidden content in education may not be a welcome process, in extreme it may become unacceptable. However, hidden content can affect the achieved learning outcomes, as well as their deliberate disclosure and appropriate processing. The aim of the article is to describe whether and with what benefit can the concept of the hidden curriculum be applied to professional military education in the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies environment.
Read more: The Hidden Contents in the Professional Military Education Process
- ročník: 2022
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
This paper deals with teaching of operations research at University of Defence and its support by means of using selected software for linear programming. The main aim of the paper is to demonstrate possibilities of using the add-in program Solver in Microsoft Excel and Linear Program Solver in teaching operations research via solving an illustrative example of linear programming problem. The paper further introduces operations research as a scientific discipline and a course taught at University of Defence. Last but not least, it discusses advantages and drawbacks of introducing software into teaching of operations research.
Read more: Software in Teaching Operations Research at University of Defence
- ročník: 2012
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
Primárním cílem předkládaného výzkumu bylo zjistit úspěšnost při jazykové zkoušce STANAG 6001 u civilních studentů, kteří jsou potenciálními uchazeči o práci v armádě nebo budoucími studenty Univerzity obrany, a na jejím základě provést odhad jejich vstupních jazykových dovedností. Procento úspěšných výkonů při testování dovedností poslech s porozuměním, ústní projev, čtení s porozuměním a písemný projev v r. 2008 je ve srovnání s r. 2006 výrazně vyšší. Autoři se domnívají, že k tomu přispěla účast studentů na řadě zahraničních projektů, a také vysoký standard školy. Výsledky jsou zobraceny v několika tabulkách a grafech.
- ročník: 2020
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the issue of identification and evaluation of the competencies of senior officers of the Czech Armed Forces. Paper investigates the role of the authorities responsible for military branches and military occupation specialties in the system of defining officer´s competencies. It was also examined the scope of possible application of the competency model of a professional soldier defined by the National System of Occupations in the process of career management. As a comprehensive and optimal solution, a full application of competency model is proposed. The partial application of the competency model is based only on the use of the soft competencies component. Both of these proposals are formulated primarily for the purpose of describing the job position and official evaluation. The paper also brings a number of proposals in the conceptual and normative area circumscribing and strengthening the role of the responsible authorities in the process of defining the officer´s competencies.
Read more: Defining and Evaluation of Competencies of an Officer of the Czech Armed Forces
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The article informs about the state service of professional soldiers in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. It compares the state service of professional soldiers in both countries mentioned and analyses the changes that took place in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic on January 1, 2016. With reference to the state service it deals with the career of professional soldiers in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. It offers the list of current career courses in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. It analyses and compares the career courses designed for officers of both countries.
Read more: State Service and Career Courses in the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic