- volume: 1991
- number: 1
- status: Recenzované / Reviewed
- type: Vědecký / Research
The article focuses on the characteristics of forcible entries into objects and the term "breaching", which is often used interchangeably with this activity. The article further addresses the issue of fragments scattering when using a charge to overcome chain-link fences. The introductory chapter describes the execution of training in this field using the exercise facilities that are built for this purpose in military training areas. When conducting explosive forcible entry training, the safe distance for intervening teams and non-participants is determined using given formulas. The purpose of the simulation, mathematical calculations and experiment was to assess the extent to which fragments scattering occurs during explosive overcoming of these fences and whether the procedures used to determine the safe distance for non-participants are sufficient.
- volume: 2023
- number: 4
- type: Vědecký / Research
The article deals with the consequences of changes in society and the army after the “Velvet Revolution” in 1989 for teaching social sciences at military schools. The changes are illustrated by the example of the Military University of the Ground Forces in Vyškov, which trained most of the officers for the ground troops. The first part of the article shows the use of social science teaching at military schools to ideologically indoctrinate students in favour of the ruling Communist Party of Czechoslovakia before November 1989. The next part of the article deals with the reflection of changes in society and in the army after the abolition of the article on the leading role of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in the Constitution in the system of teaching social sciences, in their content and scope. The content of the article also shows individual milestones in the process of changes in the teaching of social sciences on the way from their use for communist indoctrination to the formation of democratic army officers.
- volume: 2020
- number: 2
- type: Vědecký / Research
During the period between 2016 and 2019, the efficiency of language courses was scrutinized by invention methods. In 2019, the language requirements were set to 14 958 positions in the Czech Armed Forces (60.69 %). Out of the given number of positions, the language requirement was met by only 6 414 professional soldiers, i.e. 42.88 %. The results of the language courses vary a lot depending on the required level of language proficiency; the courses designed to prepare the learners for SLP 1111 and SLP 2222 had the success rate around 60 %, however, the success rate of the courses for SLP 3333 was rather lower (38 %). Out of five groups of factors affecting the success rate, the relative significance of 22 factors was assessed. Most of the critically significant factors concerned the organization of language education; some of the critically significant factors were as follows: placement testing, flexibility of the syllabus and familiarization with the exam format and assessment criteria.
Read more: Efficiency of Language Education at the Language Center of the University of Defence
- volume: 2013
- number: 1
- type: Vědecký / Research
V posledních letech se rezort obrany potýká se stále nižším rozpočtem, což může mít za následek kromě snižování platů vojáků i snižování jejich stavu včetně rušení celých vojenských útvarů. Jeden z úsporných návrhů počítá i s uzavřením poslední vojenské střední školy (VSŠ) v České republice. Autorky na základě zhodnocení výdajů, respektive nákladů a užitků, které jsou uvedeny v několika tabulkách, hodnotí zrušení VSŠ i přes krátkodobou úsporu z dlouhodobého hlediska spíše jako neefektivní.
Read more: Ekonomické zhodnocení možného zrušení Vojenské střední školy MO v Moravské Třebové (2)
- volume: 2018
- number: 2
- type: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Within the context of evaluation system of education quality in career courses that are organized at the Center for Security and Military Strategic Studies of the University of Defence in Brno, the article deals with course evaluation questionnaires. It demonstrates benefits of introducing online questionnaires, and a persistence of responses sets that are invalid in terms of internal imbalance. To filter out this undesirable natural phenomenon, a method was proposed for determining the consistency of responses sets.
The outcomes lead to the goal to enhance quality as well as quantity of responses to evaluation questionnaires. In terms of quality, the intention is to continue filtering out invalid responses sets using the proposed method. In terms of quantity, the intention is to motivate the course participants to fill the evaluation questionnaire by dividing it in parts, so that they can experience the changes based on their responses yet during their course.