- ročník: 2010
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
In fact, financial resources together with human and material resources belong to the category of "defence resources". They hold a special position in defence system as financial resources are the multiplier of other sources, forming background for the effort of military commanders and leaders. This situation is caused by one simple fact: without the existence of financial resources there is no way how to pay for both human and material assets. This study describes present conditions and prospects of economical development in the word, as well as in the Czech Republic, during the period from 2000 to 2009. The article further analyses development of armed forces financial requirements, funding trends, and identifies factors that are going to determinate future military expenditures.
- ročník: 2024
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The article brings a comparison of the approaches to the strategic defence analysis (SDA) and developing future Defence Concepts (DFDC) of the Czech Republic and Norway. The countries are in a different geopolitical situation, NOR being a country with borders that are part of the outer border of the Alliance, the Czech Republic being a country surrounded by three member countries of the Alliance and one PfP country. On the basis of the comparison of the two approaches, the authors identified differences and common points of the two. Based on the findings, the discussion provides inspiration for possible enhancements in the approach of the Czech Republic to SDA to ensure the future defence of the country. All that in context of current Security developments in Europe, that have an impact on how NATO member countries might deal with Article 3 and Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
This article aims to reflect a digression into the history of selected strategic documents, which processed the Ministry of Defence or was in the processing involved - in connection to the planning of acquisitions. The ambition of the article is not a comprehensive evaluation process, but only the selected aspects. After many years of decreasing Czech defence budget, is here the opposite situation. In connection with the new situation it is necessary to rethink the current approach to this topic; to ensure maximal security of the Czech Republic and in a figurative sense NATO and the European Union also. The fact, that the Czech strategy document was among the best in the EU, does not mean that defence spending is automatically efficient.
Read more: Strategic Documents of the Czech Republic and Ministry of Defence Acquisitions
- ročník: 2009
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The important part of the forces transformation deals with the problem reducing in numbers of officers, namely field officers and general corps in the Czechoslovak Armed Forces and lately the Army of the Czech Republic. The main cause of this reduction was new concept of military career, as before the transformation it used to be a lifelong profession. The downsizing started in 1990 and it ought to have been finished by the end of the first period of the Czech Armed Forces Reform, as of 2008/12/31/, but it appears that downsizing is endless. The author quotes figures concerning numbers of officers; several rank charts and tablets with corresponding NATO and Czech grades respectively are used to demonstrate veracity of his statements. According to Lt.Col. Pernica, the downsizing is going to continue but no one knows how many officers for the all-volunteer Czech armed forces will be enough.
Read more: Military Grade Structure During 1989-2009: How Many Officers Are Enough?
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
V článku jsou prezentovány dílčí závěry a poznatky z dotazníkového šetření a polostrukturovaných rozhovorů na jednu z oblastí řešení problémů v rezortu obrany, a to využívaní metod, metodik a heuristik, realizovaných v roce 2012 a 2015. V článku je analyzována jedna z metod strategické analýzy, konkrétně SWOT analýza. Nejprve je charakterizována SWOT analýza z hlediska doporučení pro její praktickou aplikaci, tak jak vyplývá z rešerše odborných publikací. Následně je prezentována SWOT analýza z hlediska jejího využití v rezortu obrany. Na základě zjištěných informací jsou v závěru článku definována doporučení pro praktickou aplikaci SWOT analýzy nejen v rezortu obrany ČR.